Mountain safety
Map key
Overview maps
Trek outlines
Linking all three treks
Hut-to-hut routes
Wildlife and alpine flowers
When to go
Getting there
Notes for walkers
Clothing and equipment
Recommended maps
Safety in the mountains
Using this guide
Trek 1: A Tour of the Silvretta Alps
Prelude Klosters Platz to Berghaus Vereina
Stage 1 Berghaus Vereina to Lavin
Stage 2 Lavin to Chamanna Tuoi
Stage 3 Chamanna Tuoi to the Jamtal Hut
Stage 4 Jamtal Hut to the Wiesbadener Hut
Stage 4A Jamtal Hut to the Bielerhöhe
Stage 5 Wiesbadener Hut (or Bielerhöhe) to the Tübinger Hut
Stage 6 Tübinger Hut to Klosters Platz
Stage 6A Tübinger Hut to Schlappin
Stage 6B Schlappin to Klosters Dorf
Trek 2: The Prättigauer Höhenweg
Stage 1 Klosters Platz to Schlappin
Stage 2 Schlappin to St Antönien
Stage 3 St Antönien to the Carschina Hut
Stage 4 Carschina Hut to the Schesaplana Hut
Stage 5 Schesaplana Hut to Seewis
Trek 3: The Rätikon Höhenweg
Stage 1 St Antönien to the Carschina Hut
Stage 1a St Antönien to the Carschina Hut via Partnun
Stage 2 Carschina Hut to the Schesaplana Hut
Stage 3 Schesaplana Hut to Nenzinger Himmel
Stage 4 Nenzinger Himmel to the Douglass Hut (or Brand)
Side trip Ascent of the Schesaplana
Stage 5 Douglass Hut to the Lindauer Hut
Stage 6 Lindauer Hut to the Tilisuna Hut
Side trip Ascent of the Sulzfluh
Stage 7 Tilisuna Hut to St Antönien
Hut-to-Hut routes
Route 1 Wiesbadener Hut – Rote Furka – Silvretta Hut
Route 2 Wiesbadener Hut – Litzner Sattel – Saarbrücker Hut
Route 3 Saarbrücker Hut – Schweizerlücke – Plattenjoch – Seetal Hut
Route 4 Schlappin – Schlappiner Joch – Gargellen
Route 5 St Antönien – Tilisunafürggli – Tilisuna Hut
Route 6 Tilisuna Hut – Plasseggenpass – Sarotla Joch – Gargellen
Route 7 Tilisuna Hut – Tilisunafürggli – Carschina Hut
Route 8 Carschina Hut – Drusator – Lindauer Hut
Route 9 Douglass Hut – Lünerkrinne – Heinrich-Hueter Hut
Route 10 Douglass Hut – Cavelljoch – Schesaplana Hut
Route 11 Douglass Hut – Totalp Hut
Route 12 Totalp Hut – Gamsluggen – Schesaplana Hut
Appendix A Route summary table
Appendix B The huts
Appendix C Useful contacts
Appendix D Language notes and glossary
Appendix E Further reading
All but a very small section of the Tour of the Silvretta Alps is found on the Kümmerley + Frey Wanderkarte, Unterengadin (Engiadina Bassa) map at 1:60,000 scale. The only section missing includes Klosters and Monbiel at the start and finish of the trek, but this is covered by the same publisher’s Prättigau-Albula sheet. Trails and huts are clearly marked in red on both maps, whose scale should be perfectly adequate for most occasions. Should you require greater detail, the DAV has produced an excellent 1:25,000 sheet covering all the Austrian side of the Silvretta, as well as a good proportion of the Swiss flank, under the heading Alpenvereinskarte 26 Silvrettagruppe.
Kümmerley + Frey’s Prättigau-Albula not only overlaps a section of the Tour of the Silvretta, it’s also ideal for trekkers following the Prättigauer Höhenweg where the whole route is covered.
The same sheet (Prättigau-Albula) includes all of the Rätikon Höhenweg, although if you plan to approach Nenzinger Himmel or Brand from the north, you will need an Austrian map such as Freytag & Berndt’s 1:50,000 scale WK374 which covers the Austrian flank of the Rätikon and Silvretta Alps as far east as the Fimbertal.
Available locally, a very fine map at a scale of 1:40,000 with the title Schesaplana Wanderkarte shows all the huts and footpaths highlighted in red (the Prättigauer Höhenweg is marked in green). On the reverse is a depiction of the main footpaths with estimated walking times between selected points. This sheet includes the whole of the Prättigauer Höhenweg trek and that of the Rätikon Höhenweg, but does not extend into the Silvretta range.