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Authors and contributors privacy policy

Cicerone holds personal information on Authors for several reasons, which are:

  • to manage contracts and pay royalties
  • to make and market books and other products
  • to meet legal obligations
  • to manage copyrights over the long term

The information held by Cicerone includes:

  • Personal contact information, including names addresses, email and phone numbers
  • Bank account and taxation information
  • Biographic information relevant to your authorship
  • Contract and copyright information

Because Cicerone is a small organisation doing a fairly big job, we work with partners to run high quality processes and so in certain cases we share your information with these partners to the minimal extent possible. We are also from time to time required to disclose information for legal and taxation reasons.

These partners are:

  • BookSource, our logistics and distribution partner in respect of the calculation of royalties and any titles you purchase from Cicerone.
  • Handelsbanken, our bankers in respect of payments to Authors.
  • VAT authorities in respect of VAT registered authors and HMRC in respect of authors who pay taxes outside the UK where withholding taxes may need to be deducted from royalty payments. In addition, HMRC may make tax enquiries about royalty payments from time to time.
  • Our freelance copyeditors and designers from time to time in respect of editing, designing and proofreading the Works

Details of BookSource’s and Handelsbanken’s privacy policies are available on their websites. HMRC policies are available through the HMRC web site.

Further, your personal information is also used to a limited extent in the marketing and distribution of guides. Any personal details in this information will be agreed with you before release (although we remain solely responsible for the information) but may well include biographic information and your personal websites and social media accounts. It does not include contact information such as email and address details unless you have given specific consent for this information to be used.

Places where this information is published include, but are not limited to:

  • Author details included within guides
  • On Cicerone websites and social media accounts
  • Cicerone marketing information prepared for trade and media contacts
  • Author details included in book metadata (information about books) and transmitted to customers through a network of bibliographic systems operating in all major book markets. This information is available to all book buyers and through internet sellers such as Amazon. The main databases that hold the information are Nielsen, Bowker and CoreSource. The main online retailers include Amazon, Book Depository, Wordery, and main eBook sellers include Amazon, Apple and Google.

Other disclosures of personal information

As a publisher Cicerone is in contact with many organisations about your books and other products. In addition, we have a thriving correspondence both online and offline with users of our guidebooks. We fully encourage you to participate in this dialogue to develop and market and improve your guidebooks, but Cicerone will not, without your prior consent, disclose personal and contact information about you.

Cicerone holds your information in hard copy files and computer databases, and on email systems (Office 365). The information is held securely, processing is limited to what is necessary to meet our legal and contractual obligations. Because copyright information, even for expired projects, is long lasting and questions may arise at any time, Cicerone keeps a complete record of copyrights and related correspondence from the founding of the company in 1969.

You have certain rights in relation to the personal information Cicerone holds about you, which include:

  • The right to be informed that Cicerone holds the information, ie this privacy policy.
  • The right to review the information
  • The right to be informed of any data breach
  • The right to ensure the information is corrected where not correct
  • The right to restrict usage and the right to object
  • The right for data to be erased
  • In addition, you have the right not to be subject to automated decision making and profiling without notice and, in most cases, your consent. Cicerone currently does not do this.

These rights are subject to Cicerone’s overriding ongoing legal and contractual duties outlined above.

This privacy policy is available to be viewed at any time on Cicerone’s website at The policy will be updated from time to time and Cicerone will inform you of any material changes to this Privacy Policy.

Cicerone’s Registered Office and trading address is Juniper House, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, LA9 7RL, incorporated in England and Wales, Number 03690943.

Policy dated 3 December 2019