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Monthly Focus - Navigation

Navigation - it's the thing that gets us from A to B and it's important. This month, we've pulled together a selection of resources covering a variety of skills from using a compass to reading a map. Whether you're new to navigating or need to brush up on your skills, we've got you covered.

Navigation - Front Cover


Techniques and skills for walkers


This pocket handbook to navigation will help you master the necessary map and compass skills for mountain walking. Chapters include map scales, symbols and contours, grid references, map reading, bearings, route planning and night and bad-weather navigation, as well as navigating with a GPS.

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Map and Compass - Front Cover

Map and Compass

A comprehensive guide to navigation


A comprehensive guide to navigation with a map and compass providing training on how to read a map and how to use a compass as well as more advanced techniques. Also features information on GPS and digital mapping methods. This book will be helpful whether you don't understand grid references or want to improve your night navigation.

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Further resources