There's been an increase in cases of TBE (tick-borne encephalitis) across Europe, Italy included. Walkers should be aware that they may pick up ticks while walking through grass and woodland up to approx 1500 metres altitude. Not all ticks carry the disease but better safe than sorry. Simple precautions and plenty of useful information is available on the website: Vaccination is also an option.
Oct 2017
My wife and I have just returned from a weeks walking in the Sibillini National Park in Italy. As can be imagined, the after effects of the earthquakes are still obvious with closed villages (red zones), blocked roads and many paths affected by rockfall. Information on road closures is not readily available. Limited accommodation is available. We did a number of walks from the Cicerone guide and climbed some other hills. Beautiful scenery, great food and wine plus amazingly cheerful people. (Courtsey of Graham Little)
September 2017
CAI, the Italian Alpine Club, is working constantly on restoring access to paths and routes in the Sibillini mountains as well as many parts of the Italian regions of Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo affected by earthquakes. The web site is packed full of walking and cycle routes to encourage visitors to return to these beautiful areas and bring much-needed work to the local populations who are slowly moving back to pick up their lives again.
Though the web site is in Italian, maps and tracks are available so visitors can easily make plans.
January 2017
Good news: after aerial reconaissance in December the Sibillini Park Authority say that the paths on the Grande Anello dei Sibillini GAS ring route have not been damaged. (Walkers will need to check whether or not accommodation is open.)
For the time being, valleys to be avoided include: Valle dell'Acquasanta, Infernaccio, Valle del Lago di Pilato (from Foce), Val di Panico, Bove, Tenna and the Lame Rosse canyon.
The Park now has temporary premises and can be contacted for information through and its Facebook page where updates are posted; 2016
VERY IMPORTANT: More strong earthquakes in October 2016 have caused extensive damage across the Sibillini, landscape and villages included. Walkers should avoid the areas for the time being.
August 2016
Warning from the Italian Mountain Rescue:In the wake of the disastrous earthquake on August 24, continuing earth tremors have caused rockfalls and path damage in the Sibillini mountains. Walkers are advised to check locally before embarking on walks and for the time being avoid canyons and ridges routes.
June 2014
Accommodation info changed:p59 Altino (1035m) accommodation at Rifugio Altino, open year-round tel 0736 610929, mob 338 6769985 or 339 4329874.
August 2013
p56 Rifugio Giglio Rosso Rubbiano Tel 0736 859184
Stage 6: route changes have been reported - the GAS evidently no longer goes
via Colleluce or Astorara - follow the new signposts and waymarks.
p72 Rifugio Campi Vecchio temporarily closed
(Thanks to Annette Machon)
November 2011
p.38 Additional place to stay in Visso – B&B Casa dell'Artista tel 0737 9364.
p.66 – Rifugio Vittorio Ratti is now known as Rifugio Genziana and the phone no has changed to 0743 828623
with thanks to Tom Kemp
October 2010
Grande Anello dei Sibillini (GAS):
Stage 4 - Rubbiano: B&B Ca' de la Rossa could be a convenient substitute for the still-unopened rifugio. Tel 333 8412523 or email:
Stage 5 - Colle di Montegallo: changed phone and improved new management for rifugio tel: 0736 806310.