Robin Walker
Like many people who love the mountains, Robin began at an early age. His family holidayed in the Pennines, and later at secondary school two brave and generous teachers took a group climbing. Weekends in the Lake District became a way of life, and from there he went on to walk and climb throughout Britain, spiced with sorties to Norway, the Dolomites, the Alps and the USA.
In 1981, Robin got the chance to work in Spain, and what began as a year 'off' ended up as a total change. The whole of northern Spain is mountainous, and the chance to explore the region was too good to miss, and he decided to stay. As a climber, the walls of the Picos de Europa first drew his attention, culminating in Walks and Climbs in the Picos de Europa. Slowly, however, repeated trips to the Cordillera Cantabrica opened his eyes to the potential of this hugely underrated range for mountain walking, and resulted in Walking in the Cordillera Cantábrica.
Robin has lived in Spain for over 40 years now. In that time, he has been heavily involved in the protection of the mountain environment. He was a founder member of the Colectivo Montañero por la Defensa de los Picos de Europa, a body that was instrumental in gaining national park status for the Picos de Europa.
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