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383 articles found

Cycling along the Danube

Article · 11 Mar 2016

Cycling the Danube: Budapest to the Black Sea

The 2772km-long Danube is Europe’s second longest river (behind the Volga). Rising in the German Black Forest, it runs through 10 countries on its way to the Black Sea. In this...

Night Sky Watch Header 1200

Article · 11 Mar 2016

Skywatch: Canis Minor, Orion’s (little) canine helper

Dogged by a desire to learn more about the stars and constellations adorning our night sky? In this article, Astronomer Brian Jones concentrates on Canis Minor, ‘the Little...

Velo Francette

Feature · 8 Feb 2016

The Velo Francette - France's newest long-distance cycle route

Gillian Thomas explores France’s long-distance cycle route the Velo Francette, through Normandy, Pays de la Loire and Poitou Charentes from Ouistreham to La Rochelle.

Vel d'Herens

Feature · 8 Feb 2016

Walking in the Val d’Hérens

Mike Hawtree first came to Switzerland just over ten years ago, working for a well-known food company based in Vevey, on the shores of Lake Geneva. His wife, Jude, has worked in Evolène every summer since 2007, as a housekeeper and caterer for a...


Feature · 7 Jan 2016

Six steps to successful 'selfies'

Keen cyclist and Cicerone author Richard Barrett offers his top tips for taking those tricky self-portrait shots to a higher standard than the standard Facebook fodder. Here he illustrates his article with photographs used in his books on Harris and...

Skywatch cassiopeia

Article · 8 Dec 2015

Skywatch Winter: Cassiopeia

Astronomer Brian Jones focuses his attention on Cassiopeia, a constellation visible from the UK at all times of the year but easiest through the longer, darker nights of winter. Whether you’re camping, bivvying or staying in a bothy you should be...


Feature · 9 Nov 2015

To bivvy or to bothy?

To bivvy or to bothy: that is the question. There are pros and cons to both, so we've enlisted two of our outdoor experts and authors, Ronald Turnbull and Phoebe Smith, to share their opinions...


Feature · 13 Oct 2015

Dolpo: Nepal's Hidden Region Powered by Yak Dung

In this third extract from his inspirational memoirs about trekking in the Himalaya, Abode of the Gods, Kev Reynolds describes the moment when he reached Nepal's remote Dolpo...

Crux constellation

Article · 14 Sept 2015

Skywatch Autumn: Ursa Minor

In the latest instalment of his regular column for Cicerone Extra, Brian Jones focuses his attention on Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, one of the constellations visible from the UK at all times of the year – on a clear night! If you're out camping,...

Look out for 'The Lookout' bothy on Skye

Article · 14 Sept 2015

Look out for 'The Lookout' bothy on Skye

Phoebe Smith shows you around 'The Lookout' bothy on the Isle of Skye, featured in her book 'The Book of the Bothy'. Find out where it is, and take a look around by watching the video.

Walking the  North Wessex Downs

Article · 17 Jul 2015

10 reasons to visit the North Wessex Downs

The North Wessex Downs is the third largest area of outstanding natural beauty in the UK. If that one fact on its own is not enough to tempt you to visit this quintessentially...

Bob Graham Round

Feature · 13 Jul 2015

A Bob Graham Round in the Lake District

Joe Williams took on the Bob Graham Round, the famous memorial circuit of the Lakeland fells covering 100km and 8000m in under 24 hours, starting from Keswick. Here he shares the anticipation, the agony and the downright joy of an unforgettable day.


Feature · 13 Jul 2015

The Beauty of Bothies

Phoebe Smith, author of The Book of the Bothy, urges the uninitiated to leave their preconceptions behind and discover the delights of seeking out some of the many diverse and characterful bothies – unmanned freely-available shelters, maintained...


Feature · 28 Jun 2015

The Carpathian Mountains – the last European wilderness?

Jonathan Cook and his trekking companion, James, were looking for an alternative but affordable trekking destination that didn't involve flying to the ends of the earth. The...

The Making of the Jurassic Coast

Article · 19 Jun 2015

The Making of the Jurassic Coast

Enjoyed Jurassic Park? Want to see a slightly more realistic representation of geology and paleontology? Then head to the Jurassic Coast - with a little insight from Ronald Turnbull's guidebook you will find the landscape tells an equally (if not...

Walking in Jersey with a Cicerone Guide

Article · 5 Jun 2015

It's a great time to go to Jersey

In an extract from his guidebook to Walking on Jersey, Paddy Dillon explains why It's a great time to go to Jersey; an ideal destination for walking.


Article · 4 Jun 2015

Skywatch Summer: Ursa Major

Even if you’ve not heard of Alcor, Mizar or Liebknecht’s ‘spurious planet’ you’ve probably heard of the Great Bear (or the Plough which is part of the Great Bear). It’s one of the big beasts of the summer night sky in the northern...


Feature · 10 May 2015

How to go long-distance walking with a dog

Bringing your dog with you on a multi-day walking trip need not be as daunting a prospect as you might think. In fact it's a delight, and well worth the additional planning and...

A wealth of walking on the Isle of Man

Feature · 10 May 2015

A wealth of walking on the Isle of Man

Terry Marsh recalls some of the highlights of visiting, walking and geocaching on, and writing about, the Isle of Man over almost 70 years – and discovering new delights on every trip.


Feature · 10 May 2015

Climb Every Mountain: A musical history tour above Salzburg

The Sound of Music and Hitler's Eagles Nest are secondary to the stunning walking and trekking in the hills of Berchtesgaden, close to Salzburg. Andy Hodges describes some walking...